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Family friendly instruction & fun.

DRONE CAMPS offers live on on one classes and training for building remote controlled mutlicopters, as well as, lessons on safely operating remote controlled aircrafts under current US laws. We provide all the gear.

NEW Store & Training Site

with Certified Instructors






Buy the DRONE CAMPS Lesson for you.

Call the store for scheduling: (912) 441-1412

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Drone Camps RC is a specialized educational training course that teaches new R/C pilots to fly responsibly and within the current US Laws. Each student pilot will receive one on one flying time with a Certified Drone Camps Pilot Instructor. All R/C flying is done at a low level altitude below 400ft under current FAA regulations. The purpose of this course is to educate each pilot to fly, and operate under current US law.

The courses listed below include classroom and flying time. To receive a DRONE CAMPS certification we require that you sign up for AMA before the course begins. Any DRONE CAMPS RC certifcation is notable only to the accomplishment of our specific courses. DRONE CAMPS offers no insurance benefits, lawful rights, or US commercial drone license perks. This course is for the benefit of new RC pilots to operate under AMA industry standards, laws, and rules of R/C aircraft operation. Feel free to contact us for any lesson or camp information to enroll in our flight program.  - 
DRONE CAMPS RC Staff - Safety first everyone...

AMA Supported.

2 hour Beginner Lesson:                    $200

DRONE CAMPS: "Future Pilot" Lesson is the best choice for the beginner R/C Flyer. DRONE CAMPS Instructors will teach you the basics of multirotor flight. This lesson will get you off the ground and have you flying safely. All gear is provided.


- Hands on Flying Instruction

- Simulator Coaching

- Fly with your instructor "Buddy Boxed". No crashes.

- Unboxing / Contents

- Multicopter parts and overview

- Transmitter basics

- Battery & charging basics

- Weather & Conditions

- Mode functions & operation

- Battery Storage / transport

- US Laws overview and safe flying

- Purchasing consultation

- 2hr minimum, $100 per additional hour


*DRONE CAMPS and lessons are subjected to the weather. Additional hours are an extra $100 per hour.

2-3 hour Beginner ++ Lesson:        $300

DRONE CAMPS: "Own the Drone" Lesson is the best choice for the beginner R/C Flyer who wants a little more than the basics. DRONE CAMPS Instructors will teach you the basics and then some of intermediate multirotor flight. We like to call this Beginner++   All gear is provided.


- Hands on Flying Instruction

​- Fly with your instructor "Buddy Boxed". No crashes.

- Simulator Coaching

- Unboxing / Contents

- Multicopter parts and overview

- Transmitter overview

- Detailed explanation of multirotor flight

- Battery & charging basics

- Weather & Conditions

- Mode functions & operation

- Overview of Multicopter frames

- Battery Storage / transport

- US Laws overview and safe flying

- Multicopter care and maintenance

- Purchasing consultation

- 2-3hr lesson, $100 per additional hour


*DRONE CAMPS and lessons are subjected to the weather. Additional hours are an extra $100 per hour.

2-3 hour Lesson time:                        $300

DRONE CAMPS: "Eye in the Sky" Lesson is the best choice for the intermediate R/C Flyer who wants to know the current techniques for shooting video. DRONE CAMPS Instructors will teach everything you need to know to take beautifully smooth video. This lesson will get you off the ground and have you editing your own videos for YouTube in no time. All gear is provided.


- Flying Videography & Instruction

- Brief Simulator Coaching

- Fly "buddy boxed" with your instructor option

- Multicopter gimabal overview

- Choosing the right gimbal for you

- Battery options, FPV options

- Video in weather conditions

- Getting the best video possible

- Getting rid of the dreded "jello"

- US Laws overview and safe flying for video

- Purchase consultation

- 2-3hr lesson, $100 per additional hour.


*DRONE CAMPS and lessons are subjected to the weather. Additional hours are an extra $100 per hour.

2 hour Lesson time:                      $200

DRONE CAMPS: "DRONE Building" Lesson is the best choice for the guy/girl who wants to build their own. DRONE CAMPS Instructors will teach you the basics of multirotor building. This lesson will get you familiar with the various flight controllers and options for your very own multicopter. All gear is provided.


- Classroom time

- Frame Options, tools, adhesives

- Choosing the right flight controller

- Battery choice, and charging

- Weather & Conditions

- Mode functions & operation

- Battery Storage / transport

- US Laws overview and safe flying

- Purchasing consultation

- 2hr minimum, $100 per hour.



*DRONE CAMPS and lessons are subjected to the weather. Additional hours are an extra $100 per hour.

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