PICK a plan - ZOOM LIVE with justin davis
- Beginner Purchase Advice
- Betaflight Setup
- Beginner Class
- Receiver Help
- Radio Setup
- Betaflight Switches
- Custom Support
- Etc
- Beginner Purchase Advice
- Betaflight Setup
- Beginner Class
- Receiver Help
- Radio Setup
- Betaflight Switches
- Custom Support
- Etc
- Beginner Purchase Advice
- Betaflight Setup
- Beginner Class
- Receiver Help
- Radio Setup
- Betaflight Switches
- Custom Support
- 2 Hour Class
**Paypal payments to corekiteboarding email go to JCNY Collection, Inc. which owns Drone Camps.
After Purchase email dronecamps@gmail.com to schedule your class. Classes are Monday to Friday.
Použijte níže uvedený formulář a získejte svůj vlastní
Začalo se budovat fpv racer.
Co poskytujeme:
- Vlastní sestavení fpv závodníka. Můžeme pro vás zajistit náhradní díly!
- Budeme pracovat s vaším Radio. Rádio potřebné pro programování.
- Vlastní návrhy sestavení pro piloty na základě úrovní dovedností.
- Rychlé sestavení a poštovní služba.
- Pomoc s výběrem správných dílů
Cena za každou sestavení je 125 $ plus díly. Náklady na díly a sestavení musí být zaplaceny předem. $15 Shipping je také hrazen zákazníkem. Neplaťte, dokud nebude stanovena dohodnutá cena za vaši stavbu.
Platí se přes naši Paypal address: corekiteboarding@yahoo.com
How long are the classes?
Zoom Classes are generally 1 hour. If you would like more time there is a 2 hour option.
Do you offer LIVE Beginner Betaflight Tutorials?
Yes we offer complete LIVE Zoom classes with Beginner Betaflight Basics.
Can Drone Camps help me setup my quad in Betaflight?
Yes. We can do a LIVE ZOOM covering the setup of your quad.
Do you also cover Radio Setup?
Yes. Just tell us what you would like to have setup.
Can Drone Camps setup my GPS on my quad?
Yes. We cover GPS setup and switches for accurate GPS return to home on your drone. Required : *Must already
have GPS correctly installed on your quad.
Can Drone Camps LIVE Tune my Quad?
Yes. We can offer a tuning service. If you are in a location where you can fly and test. We can LIVE tune your quad.
Are Custom ZOOM Classes offered? Can I make up my own?
Yes. Purchase the 1 Hour or 2 Hour plan. Then email Drone Camps with a detailed description of what you would
like to cover in your class.
Does Drone Camps offer Classes on weekends?
No. Our business is open Mon-Friday.